Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Hello evryone ! This is my first blog and I m starting with a topic ........ well which I guess generally the old people discuss when they have all the time in the world and no things to do .
This article has my views about God -as a concept necessity and reality. Mind you I m a teenager and my view might be contradictory to your views. I would be refering to God by the pronoun He .Though I know refering to God as He she it or they all are equally absurd !

Starting with God as a concept. The concept of God is certain mystical superpower who is beyond individual's sphere of perception and influence .Its that power which is supposedly
responsible for creation of everything , organisation of everything and destruction of everything. Here we must be careful not to limit the word everything only to our earth which we cynically yet naturally tend to !Now we must axiomatically assume if above is th case God is infinite at least in our frame of refrence !
well and we are humans more importantly finite ! Our perception is limited to smell touch hearing seeing and tasting .nothing else is percievable for us . So first of all we must treat God as a concept because God cant be percieved by any of these ......... Just as in mathematics .infinity is a concept . you just cant compute its value using traditional finite nos. and quantities ! So any attempt to describe this God is indeed nothing more than futile ! If that is so may be thinking why am I wasting my time blogging for futility and you are wasting your time reading in futility !
Well I m not here to describe God ........but to discuss God from various point of views which are indeed finite ! All said and done about God being infinite and blah blah blah ......We still do pray to him .when you need something to happen of which the probability of happening , your senses tell you is very less ! We need GOd when we feel things are not in our hands ....some atheist person may disagree here . But well thats true then for all arument that it has a for view and against view !
This desperation of our brings us to another important point of necessity of God as a concept !
when things dont fall into place , when doing everything rite you dont get what u want ..............thats when you kinda surrender to God hoping for a miracle.
Without this concept of GOd .....most of the people around the world would be
a bundle of emotional mess . The concept of God on which their hopes rest
is indeed a ray of light for people who are other wise lost in the dark !
All the religions around the world {more or less} have the concept of heaven and hell . I say ??? heaven and hell ? hello Do you know what is death ? or what is life that your are hypothesizing what would happen to a person after he would die !
Illogical from logic point of view . But the concept is immensly popular thruout the world .... people in their lives end up doing hell lot things to end up in heaven {hell lot for heaven ?! huh }! well the roots of that goes in our bringing up. Most of us
are scared into disclipline as children by our parents and guardian ....but what about the adults. Who disciplines them ...I guess thats why the religions brought the concept of heaven and hell ..... to scare into discipline the adults who stray away from their paths . Well and the concept is brought up so well that .it seems very logical when thot upon! And the heaven as it is described always is So wonderful excellent beautiful that ....people wud think twice about missing a berth in it ! I say quite cool religion guys ! you have managed what otherwise was kinda impossible task !
So finally what is GOD ? how is he important for us ? The real GOD .Frankly i dont know. nor do I need to know . but how is he important to us ? ...yes that I guess I can answer .As a concept God is an extremely important social improvement and regulation tool . Its the reason why people still trudge on with their difficult lives with a hope of better future. He is the ultimate hook or foundation for people to lay their faiths beliefs and hopes on. whoever first
brought the concept of GOD was truly a genius.{ if it was brought by real GOD !!!}.
All said and done this world continues to function without actually no one knowing what GOD is or anything related to him . But yes I still Do believe
GOd U do exist and have created nothing but a fantastic self sustaining utopia on this tiny earth !

1 comment:

Ojas said...

After hearing, that is, reading all what my dear friend expressed about God...
I happen to have a desire in my heart to speak something else regarding the same topic.
What Nweg says about god being created to bring discipline in humanity, I do accept. But this very same and very sane humanity often mostly misused God[yes, I kno what I am saying].
If a person wishes to achieve mental peace he prays. If he wants to be successful,he prays. If he desires something, he prays. If he's mercenary, he prays.
What the hell..!!
Man prays and god listens[though i doubt his organ of hearing, because I doubt his form of being].
Cant this selfish man stop for a moment and thank him for what all God HAS given you already??
good health.. good parents.. food.. shelter.. home.. brethren.. a society..a nation.. this brain.. this desire.. this knowledge?

Itz high time that man asks god. Itz time that he thanks Him

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