Saturday, April 12, 2008


It was my final pre University english Oral exams. We were told to get prepared for an extempore! I had no problems with the extempore being my schools champ. So I was at my creative best saturated with ideas of How to floor the professor with my On the spot thinking.
So it came I was asked abt my idea of happiness and to start off by defining it, well the definition of something as abstract as happiness, I didnt knew what to say. So I started with whatever I could cojure up and I defined it as follows, "Happiness is that elevated state of my Mind in which it craves to be in perpetually and every endavoer of mine is directed to be in the same". beleive me it was instantaneous and everything went fine after that.
After getting home, I thot over the definition and I liked its succintness .I felt really good by the time I digested it that I could so aptly define something as abstract as happiness in just 2 lines So after that a lot of thot has gone into the concept before making this blog entry.
My good friend Pratik Bhide had once said while having a discussion that Happiness is not same for everyone. Hitler got happiness in killing the Jews and Sachin Tendulkar got happiness the Ball for a Six. That prompted me to think more two very diverse things yet both implied happiness for the individuals! And tendulkar am sure wouldnt be happy killing the jews or hitler content by hitting the ball for a Six ! So I think a person is happy when he is in a particular elevated state of mind and diffrent things take him into this state!
Having once been in this excited state , we develop a crave to be in it again and again ! coz yeah the state of mind is really great to be in ! and this crave for it makes us work towards it. So then every action of our body is in that direction to achieve that state again. YEs the intensity of this craves varies directly wid the difference between the excited state U have experienced to the normal state u r in already. U can define a abstract happiness scale , where 0[zero] can be defined as your normal state and say something like eating my favourite piece of choclate gives me 10 units of happiness. Its difficult to quantisize happiness but this was done just for example !
U can caliberate your own scale likewise !
So there you have it , plot this happiness of urs Vs. time on co-ordinate axis and u can have your very own self monitor of how have u been living. evertime u go in the negetive side of the axis the crave to be on the positive side increases. Enough of Statistics and graphs.
I read in Buddhist literature abt trishna. This Trishna { desire } is the same as My crave for
higher level of excitation. Gautam Buddha gave a excellent philosophy wherein he says Drop this trishna and U could do away wid all ur sorrows. I have a innovative thots here which I would ellaborate furthur down as you read. I think buddha is wrongly interpreted when its said that
Dont have trishna { crave } for doing away wid the sorrow. Buddha preached a much more Matured concept where I guess He wanted us to be control of our own trishna rather than doing away with it. Crave for achieving something is the basic driving force which has brough us this far , people would find themselves at wits end if suddenly one day they found they didnt crave for anything more, Try and imagine it yourself. I would give a example and disturb your imagination. But would'nt that be great ?Everyone is content with evrything, no wars , no fights , no greed no Boredom too coz U absolutely dont desire anything. This is what they called the Moksha ! At absolute peace with one self ! Absence of crave abt every physical and material happiness is Moksha itself, U trascend the normal human driving force and dont need it no more as u look down to what u have been doing and feel peace!
But Nature has its own ways. In this world of 6 billion people only 3 to 4 people would be such .
Rest all like you and me live enjoying This small excitation of physical happiness ! And thats perfectly allright ! Coz nature itself wouldnt allow everyone to be in Moksha ....coz Function of the nature would stop ! Nature keeps balancing this graph of your life . So each day you find your avg graph to be above the X-axis !Thank the nature !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well that was a gud account on the idea of happiness.infact ur view on happiness being percieved differently by diff ppl act goes along wid wat i had written in our 12th board that idea is quite obvious...wen we think of happiness frm diff perspectives,isnt it?act hitler's n the cricketer's example also match wid my essay...quite a coincidence...neways ur opinion is quite gud...

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