Friday, September 19, 2008

Credit Crunch ,Venture capital, Value of money in hand !!

Well 6:30 pm on Last day to get my pass for Govandi Station with the concession form in my hand , A pass worth 690 bucks and Rs.680 in my wallet { Including all the Chuttas and Chillars} times are seldom so desperate ! Option 1: I go the next day ......I have to slug it out with a government employee who is least interested in helping me ; rather who derives fun seeing me caught helplessly in the technicalities of date and time ! Option 2: I forget the concession form I have to shell out a good 1200 odd Rs. ! Option 3 : I ask aditya to lend me a 10 Rs. which I promised to return by paying for rickshaw the next day !
I took the 3rd option and well by 6:45 I had brand new quarterly pass to Govandi in my hand !! Eureka !!

As all the pumped up adrenaline abt what to do and what not to ends mind began to think
that note of Rs. 10 was worth Rs. 10 to aditya but for me it was much much much more than that !
That note saved me a argument wid the government employee , it saved me the mentlal tension of not having my pass and standing in que the next day , It saved me from the murderous 2nd class compartment on the morning of monday going to Kurla !!! man It was well worth 1000 bucks for me and this aint a hyperbole !

I realised why having 10 bucks in ur hand is worth a 100 in ur bank account ! Well unfortunate as I was I didnt have them so Aditya came to my rescue ......but had there been no aditya !!!
Damn I cud have given anybody 20 bucks the next day for giving me 10 today !!! thats when I realised I was ready to take a loan @ 100% interest dat too on a daily basis ! I guess thats the type of people on whom these Venture capitalist survive giving loans @ 30% interest !!! DAMN ! Thanx God for the lessons in economics and Maharashtra Education board please try and rope in such practical examples !!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Self Awareness !

I dont know, whether you people have experienced it but theres this very strange experience of mine. At times when I look into the mirror looking at myself and keep looking at myself more than I normally would ,it strikes me as a very pleasent sense of awareness that the person in front of me is me !! That face ,the body its mine 100 % of it ! I exist and I m in full control of myself !
Its very rarely that u look at yourself so intently , we always look in the mirror for just to check on the odd shabbiness of hair or some cosmetic appearance of that sort ! but we hardly see ourselves as a person in mirror and there I sincerely think we miss something ! its not the face thats important , I dunno but I sort of feel that u get a brief vision into urself as a person when u stare at urself in the mirror or for that matter even ur photograph !
This self awareness gives me a kind of kick for doing something as in I feel like I m in more control of myself and can do whatever I want! I get to know myself as a 3rd person and thats excellent for bringing out self corrections ! U actually kno urself more than anybody could possibly know u but in the course of time U take it for granted and stop evaluating urself as a person and tend to get pushed around and swayed by the surrounding events ! U tend to loose the awareness of ur being !
If U can cultivate this habit of being aware of urself as person , U automatically end up
being more matured , refiend and focussed person ! and basically enjoy the feeling that U exist
and are able ! Able to do the most non thought of things in this world cause you are present !!!
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